Retreat from May 31st to June 4th, 2023 – Discover your inner Wisdom

You do not need to look for the source of life, it is inside of you.

We are living in a time of great changes, an information overflow and fast moving technological advancements. To move through these challenges require a lot of effort and energy in daily life.

How can we activate our inner resources to lead a self-determined and fulfilling life?

Exercises specially developed in alignment with nature and the horses give you answers and show you the way to your inner wisdom. This will allow you to grow stronger on the inside, regardless of what is going on in the outside world.

  • How and where can I consciously use my breath?
  • How can I recognize the language of my heart?
  • How can I learn to trust my intuition?
  • What messages do my emotions hold for me?
  • How do I work with my energy?

In the second part of the retreat, you work with the horses to recognize what your True Self consists of. You learn to stand up for your needs, in order to stay true to yourself. These are valuable principles for a self-determined and fulfilling life.

Marina and Carina, two experienced coaches and horsewomen, together with a wonderful herd of horses, accompany you on this amazing journey to your True Self. Amidst the beauty of the Ardèche and in a magical chestnut forest, you re-discover your inner wisdom and it’s capacity to guide you in daily life.

If you are interested please find further information in the attached announcement. We would be delighted to accompany you on your journey with our herd.